Case Study – Commercial Property Owners Association Management

June 16, 2015
Posted in Case Study
June 16, 2015 Meissner

Case Study – Commercial Property Owners Association Management

commercial property management, commercial property management companies

Meissner Jacquét Commercial Real Estate Services provides professional commercial property owners association management to over 25 associations, representing over 1,300 acres, throughout San Diego, Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, and Imperial Counties. Below are Case Studies outlining currently managed commercial property owner associations including, San Diego Spectrum, Bressi Ranch, and TR Office & Retail.

commercial property management, commercial property management companies

Case Study 1

Property Name: San Diego Spectrum Owners Association

Property Location: 8695 Spectrum Center Court, San Diego, CA 92123

Property Description: Commercial Owners Association with 32 Owners and 188 Acres

San Diego Spectrum Owners Association consists of over 30 owners and spans 188 acres.  The former General Dynamics site is located in a prime commercial location at 8695 Spectrum Center Court in San Diego, CA.  The Association is a high profile property, containing diverse property types including retail, light industrial, manufacturing, office space, and residential.  Meissner Jacquét has managed the Association since its inception in 2000 and continues to manage the Association today.

Case Study 2

Property Name: Bressi Ranch Association

Property Location: Southeast corner of Palomar Airport Road. & El Camino Real, Carlsbad, CA

Property Description: Commercial Owners Association with 40 Owners and 129 Acres

Bressi Ranch Commercial Association is part of a Master Association that contains retail, residential, recreational facilities, light manufacturing, research and development uses, parks, trails, and corporate office space.  This development is one of Carlsbad’s largest Planned Developments, consisting of 585.1 acres, of which Bressi Ranch Association consists of planed industrial on 129 acres.  The planned industrial areas comprise a part of the central industrial core of the City of Carlsbad and are bordered by regional arterials, which are located in close proximity to Palomar Airport and lie within the McClellan-Palomar Airport Influence Area.  Meissner Jacquét worked closely with Bressi Ranch Association to assist in the creation of their CC&R’s, By Laws and preliminary budget prior to their incorporation.  Meissner Jacquét has managed the Association since its inception in 2004 and continues to manage the Association today.

Case Study 3

Property Name: TR Office & Retail Association

Property Location: 406 9th Avenue, San Diego, CA

Property Description: Commercial Owners Association with 30 Owners and 1 Acre

TR Office and Retail Owners Association consists of 1 acre, equating to approximately 27,000 square feet, of urban / industrial office suites built above the historic TR Produce warehouse directly across from PETCO Park in Downtown San Diego, CA. The building also includes 19,000 square feet of ground floor restaurant and retail space.

Meissner Jacquét was retained early on as the Association Manager to work closely with the then developer Cruzan Monroe to develop the governing documents, assist in new buyer issues, and prepare preliminary budgets.  Meissner Jacquét has managed the Association since its inception in 2006 and continues to manage the Association today, ensuring that the project is maintained in a first class manner.

Client Requirements

Upon takeover of management of a commercial property owners association, the most important functions of management are to create a long-term stable environment for the owners of the association to conduct their business and to act as community ambassadors for the association.


Meissner Jacquét’s key areas of focus for management of commercial property owners associations include:

Initial Review of Governing Documents

  • CC&R’s and By Laws
  • Articles of Incorporation
  • Historical Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
  • Prior Annual Reports

Communication with Board

  • Provide a leadership role in conducting Board Meetings
  • Establish financial goals and parameters to accurately budget operating expenses
  • Timely response to and completion of requests
  • On time and accurate reporting


  • Review current accounting and establish baseline data
  • Establish a billing schedule for dues
  • Resolve pre-existing accounting issues
  • Bring all dues current

Vendor Contract Services

  • Retain professional vendors for cost-effective maintenance and property services
  • All vendor work monitored closely – in some instances services can be modified, consolidated, performed by a more cost-effective provider, or possibly eliminated.
  • Annual contract review and re-bid to ensure maximum cost savings
  • Maintain all Association insurance policies


Meissner Jacquét considers each property owner within an association our client. Therefore, resolving their problems, answering their questions and offering constructive operating solutions are critical aspects in our management goals. This philosophy is intended to project professionalism on the part of the Board of Directors and management, and foster a positive working relationship between property owners, the Board, and management.


Meissner Jacquét Commercial Real Estate Services

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